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SparkFun Parts Box - LilyPad (Magnetic)

SparkFun Parts Box - LilyPad (Magnetic)

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MIKROE Stepper 7 Click

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The NVIDIA Jetson Nano is Coming Back!

November 22, 2022

We are expecting to start getting stock of the popular Nano 4GB around Black Friday.

Bosch Sensortec Announces Tiny Particulate Matter Sensor to Monitor Air Quality

January 12, 2023

One of the cool new sensors we learned about at CES is the BMV080 - it is the smallest particulate matter sensor available and has several applications to support monitoring indoor and outdoor air quality. Bosch Sensortec had a couple of demos at their booth to demonstrate the capabilities of the sensor.

Servo Trigger Programming Guide

May 26, 2016

Looking under the hood of the Servo Trigger -- using the development environment and some finer details of the firmware.

SparkFun GPS NEO-M9N Hookup Guide

December 19, 2019

The u-blox NEO-M9N is a powerful GPS unit that comes with a chip antenna, SMA connector, and u.FL connector. We will quickly get you set up using the Qwiic ecosystem and Arduino so that you can start reading the output!