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Jumper Wires Premium 12" M/F Pack of 100

Jumper Wires Premium 12" M/F Pack of 100


Raspberry Pi Compute Module 4 Lite (Wireless Version) - 2GB RAM

SparkFun Pro Micro - RP2040

SparkFun Pro Micro - RP2040




Join us for our Arm Tech Talk!

January 17, 2023

SparkFun is joining Arm and Silicon Labs for a Tech Talk next week on all things Matter. Learn how to register, what IoT topics you'll learn about, and how to enter our Thing Plus Matter giveaway!

20 Years of SparkFun, 20 Years of Couch Collecting

July 21, 2023

It's a casual Friday here on the blog. We're celebrating 20 years of SparkFun this year! Throughout all that time, a collection of couches has accumulated in our HQ, and we wanted to test them all out to see where the *best* couch in the building is. Join us!

LSM6DS3 Breakout Hookup Guide

August 13, 2015

A hookup guide for the LSM6DS3, which features a 3-axis accelerometer, 3-axis gyroscope, and FIFO buffer.

SparkFun gator:bit v2 Hookup Guide

January 31, 2019

The gator:bit v2 is a breakout board for the BBC micro:bit. The gator:bit exposes almost every pin on the micro:bit to clippable pad with circuit protection. It also has as built-in addressable LEDs and a built-in buzzer.