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DIY Barcode Scanner Game

August 31, 2021

Once upon a time it was monsters hidden in the barcodes of everyday items, but now there are electronic components stuck inside. Using the RedBoard Artemis, Barcode Scanner Breakout and Qwiic Micro OLED Display, we can unlock them for a fun game.

Send Sensor Data Over LoRa With Our New Tutorial!

November 29, 2022

With this tutorial, you'll be able to follow along as Mariah sends sensor data wirelessly using LoRa and two SparkFun LoRa Thing Plus - expLoRaBLE development boards.

LDK Experiment 6: Microcontroller Circuits

October 2, 2013

Learn how to build a simple microcontroller circuit using the pre-programmed LilyTiny Board

Single Cell LiPo Battery Care

March 16, 2023

This tutorial will go over how to safely charge, connect, disconnect, reinforcing the cables, and handle single cell LiPo batteries.