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Crystal SMD 16MHz

Crystal SMD 16MHz

GPIB-USB Controller

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SparkFun High Precision Temperature Sensor - TMP117 (Qwiic)

SparkFun High Precision Temperature Sensor - TMP117 (Qwiic)


A Barcode Scanner Darkly

May 28, 2021

A new 1D/2D Barcode Scanner is here, along with Raspberry Pi's new PoE+ HAT!

Combining Art and Technology for Interactive Learning, pt. II

July 29, 2021

Last month, we gave you a sneak preview of an upcoming exhibit at the Hong Kong History Museum. The creator, Alexson Chu, was using SparkFun parts and projection mapping to create an interactive learning experience for museum goers. Well, the installation premiered yesterday, and we have an inside look.

SparkFun gator:particle Hookup Guide

June 13, 2019

The gator:particle is an I2C heart-rate monitor and pulse oximeter that can be used as a particle sensor. This tutorial will get you started using the gator:particle with the micro:bit platform.

SparkFun Temperature Sensor - STTS22H (Qwiic) Hookup Guide

January 19, 2023

Get started with the ultralow-power, high-accuracy, qwiic-enabled SparkFun Temperature Sensor - STTS22H!