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Raspberry Pi Pico

Raspberry Pi Pico

MIKROE RS485 5 Click

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MIKROE ZIF to Terminal Block for BLDC

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Breaking PCBs for Science

April 5, 2022

Nick sets out to learn everything about "mouse bite" breakaway tabs!

So, About That Unladen Swallow...

October 21, 2022

You asked for it and we put the FS3000-1015 on a board. We also released the Person Sensor from Useful Sensors earlier this week!

Make Your Own Fritzing Parts

March 18, 2014

Learn how to create your own Fritzing part so you can make amazing looking wiring diagrams, learn about schematics and PCB design, and get your design fabbed into a real PCB with Fritzing's PCB manufacturing service.

Alphanumeric GPS Wall Clock

January 26, 2015

This is a GPS controlled clock - a clock you truly never have to set! Using GPS and some formulas, we figure out what day of the week and if we are in or out of daylight savings time.